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All Activities

238 results returned
  • Configured Commerce for administrators

    Everything you need to know to run a B2B Commerce Cloud site, all in one place. With over forty hours of content, this series of courses comprehensively teaches B2B Commerce Cloud Administrators the skills they need to manage and update...

    • Path
    • Duration 28.3h
    • Intermediate
  • DXP common troubleshooting tools

    Provide support to your organization and prepare yourself for common issues. This two-and-a-half hour developer course looks at common issues on the Optimizely Digital Experience Platform™ (DXP; formerly Digital Experience Cloud™ Service - DXC Service or DXC). You will learn...

    • Path
    • Duration 2.5h
    • Intermediate
  • Develop for DXC service

    Learn to deploy and troubleshoot on the Optimizely Digital Experience Cloud (DXC). This course for developers contains over five hours of content to help you practice configuring and deploying to DXC service. The course covers both basic clue skills such...

    • Path
    • Duration 5.4h
    • Intermediate
  • Introduction to Optimizely Personalized Search & Navigation

    How does personalized search and navigation improve your sales? In this short, general information course of less than ten minutes, we’ll review what personalized search and navigation is and explain briefly how it can lead to increased sales and improve...

    • Duration 8m
    • Beginner
  • Personalize content with Optimizely visitor groups

    Learn to define different types of site visitors and personalize their browsing experience with Optimizely Visitor Groups. This developer course covers how to personalize a visitor’s experience on a website. Explore some of the built-in Visitor Group criteria that integrates...

    • Path
    • Duration 2.1h
    • Intermediate
  • Optimizely Customized Commerce - development fundamentals

    Build a basic store while you learn about the Optimizely Commerce Cloud. In this comprehensive developer course with over ten hours of video content and additional exercises, you will set up an example site while getting a thorough grounding in...

    • Path
    • Duration 13.4h
    • Intermediate
  • Optimizely CMS 11 - development fundamentals

    Master the use and configuration of Optimizely CMS 11. With eighteen hours of developer content, you will enjoy an extensive introduction to CMS 11 fundamentals. Where appropriate, we are sure to mention crucial differences between CMS 11 and CMS 12,...

    • Path
    • Duration 18h
    • Beginner
  • Implement and customize Optimizely Search & Navigation

    Add advanced, cloud-based search-driven navigation to your Optimizely site. This developer course, with one-and-a-half hours of instruction and three hours of additional exercises, takes you through the installation and configuration of the paid Search & Navigation add-on on a fresh...

    • Path
    • Duration 1.7h
    • Rating 1.0
    • Intermediate
  • Content Management System for administrators

    This course is for those who will be provided the access and responsibilities found within the administrator user interface. It will prepare you for managing users, groups, permissions and much more.

    • Path
    • Duration 1.6h
    • Intermediate
  • Introduction to Optimizely Education for Developers

    A short, required course for Developers planning to take any Optimizely Development course. This course covers everything you need to start your Optimizely Development journey off right: getting access to course-related cloud services, hardware and software requirements, a product overview—including...

    • Path
    • Duration 1h
    • Rating 4.0
    • Beginner
  • Perform tasks with Optimizely repository APIs

    Programmatically perform advanced actions on your Optimizely site. This developer course, consisting of two hours instruction and four hours of exercises, explores Optimizely’s Repository APIs, demonstrating ways that you can use code to modify site behavior and content. This course...

    • Path
    • Duration 5.3h
    • Rating 3.0
    • Intermediate
  • Monitor and troubleshoot with Application Insights

    Use the application performance monitoring platform Application Insights to stay up-to-date on your site’s performance. This developer course includes an hour of instruction and over three hours of exercises that will show you the ins-and-outs of Azure’s Application Insights and...

    • Path
    • Duration 4.5h
    • Advanced
  • Migrate to Optimizely CMS 12 and Commerce 14

    Take the stress out of your migration to Optimizely CMS 12 and Commerce 14. This two-and-a-half hour course is not just for developers, but for anyone preparing for or considering a migration. The course covers how the sweeping .NET changes...

    • Path
    • Duration 2.5h
    • Intermediate
  • Content Management System for editors and content creators

    Take control of your content’s organization and presentation with Content Cloud Editing. In this two hour course for anyone that wants to improve their editing skills, you’ll learn all about the capabilities of the Optimizely Content Cloud’s editor. Covering everything...

    • Path
    • Duration 2h
    • Rating 5.0
    • Beginner
  • Optimizely CMS 12 - development fundamentals

    Master the use and configuration of Optimizely CMS 12. With thirteen hours of developer content, you will enjoy an extensive introduction to CMS 12 fundamentals. Topics include a deep dive into content types and how they are rendered, strategies for...

    • Path
    • Duration 13h
    • Rating 4.0
    • Beginner
  • Introduction to Optimizely Content Recommendations

    Learn how Optimizely Content Recommendations can present tailored content to your customers and increase engagement. In this ten minute course, learn the basics of preparing your site and creating visitor profiles to return relevant content to visitors.

    • Duration 10m
    • Beginner
  • Introduction to Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) Overview

    Feel adrift in a sea of data? The Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) is just the tool you need to navigate. ODP helps you harmonize multiple data streams and make informed decisions. This short introduction will help you understand what ODP...

    • Path
    • Duration 13m
    • Beginner
  • Optimize content with Optimizely A/B testing

    Bring one of the most powerful forms of site optimization online with Optimizely’s A/B Testing. In this forty minute course, with over an hour of other exercises included, developers will learn not only how to set up and run a...

    • Path
    • Duration 1.9h
    • Intermediate
  • Store data in the content database

    Use Dynamic Data Store and SQL Server schemas to neatly and securely store large amounts of content in your Optimizely database. After setting up an Alloy demo site using provided files, you will learn how to use both Dynamic Data...

    • Path
    • Duration 58m
    • Rating 4.0
    • Advanced
  • Manage sections & flows for Optimizely Content Recommendations

    Take Optimizely Content Recommendations to the next level using Sections and Flows. If you’re already familiar with Optimizely Content Recommendations and how it analyzes your site content, this fifteen minute course will explain how Sections and Flows let you categorize...

    • Path
    • Duration 15m
  • Harmonize customer data for data-driven marketing with ODP

    Blend customer data and advanced systems integrations to empower your marketing! In a three hour pre-recorded training session, expert trainer Mark Price guides anyone who needs to understand the Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) and Data Core Service (DCS) through its...

    • Path
    • Duration 2.6h
    • Advanced