Earn Optimizely Explorer badges
Ever wonder what acronyms like ODP and OCP mean—or what Optimizely has to offer?
We get it. That's why we created free product knowledge overview videos and courses to get you up to speed. At the end of every product knowledge path, you can earn your Explorer badge to show off what you know.
Already know your stuff? Check out our Explorer badge assessments:
- Explorer Badge: Optimizely One
- Explorer Badge: Content Management System (CMS)
- Explorer Badge: Content Marketing Platform (CMP)
- Explorer Badge: Customized Commerce (B2C)
- Explorer Badge: Configured Commerce (B2B)
- Explorer Badge: Feature Experimentation
- Explorer Badge: Web Experimentation
- Explorer Badge: Optimizely Data Platform (ODP)
- Explorer Badge: Optimizely Connect Platform (OCP)
Once you earn a badge, you can print or share it easily. To reference it again, just go to your profile icon in the top-right and select My profile, or to view all badge assessment attempts, select History instead.