Get to know Optimizely
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What is CMS SaaS?
What is Optimizely One?
What is Content Management System (CMS)?
What is Content Marketing Platform (CMP)?
What is Customized Commerce?
What is Configured Commerce?
What is Web Experimentation?
What is Feature Experimentation?
What is Optimizely Data Platform (ODP)?
What is Optimizely Connect Platform (OCP)?
What is Experiment Collaboration?
What is Product Recommendations?
Learn how to use our products
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Become certified in Optimizely products
6-month Instructor-led Training (ILT) Subscription
$1,200 (USD) Purchase this 6-month subscription to exclusive Live training sessions, Office Hours with experts, Exam Prep sessions, Work Smarter webinars, and Masterclasses so you can get the most out of Optimizely and prepare for certification exams.
12-month Instructor-led Training (ILT) Subscription
$2,200 (USD) Purchase this 12-month subscription to exclusive Live training sessions, Office Hours with experts, Exam Prep sessions, Work Smarter webinars, and Masterclasses so you can get the most out of Optimizely and prepare for certification exams.
Certification exam: PaaS CMS Developer - Core Competency
$300 (USD) A CMS developer builds websites that perform, scale well, and enable content editors and marketers to deliver unique customer experiences. Study for and purchase this exam to try your hand at becoming an Optimizely certified developer. Abou...
Certification exam: Customized Commerce Developer
A Commerce developer speaks programming language. They build and maintain reliable, secure and resilient websites. A developer works to understand a platform’s built-in features so they can install, configure, implement, customize and extend them to me...